osteogenesis imperfecta type iv

osteogenesis imperfecta type iv


osteogenesis imperfecta (oi) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of inherited disorders of connective tissue, characterised by bone fragility. associated features in some individuals include blue sclerae, dentinogenesis imperfecta, hearing loss, deformity of the spine and long bones and joint hyperextensibility. the disorder is currently categorised into 4 major types, according to the phenotypic classification of sillence. there are several sub-types as well as marked heterogeneity at the clinical, radiological and molecular level, within these groups. osteogenesis imperfecta is characterised by marked inter- and intra-familial variability, making prenatal diagnosis difficult even in families with an established diagnosis. osteogenesis imperfecta type lv is autosomal dominant in inheritance. it is characterised by normal coloured sclerae in adulthood, and mild to moderately severe bone fragility. the patients can be further classified into subgroups: a (with normal teeth) and b (with dentinogenesis imperfecta).


about 25% of patients have fractures in varying numbers at birth.

differential diagnosis

some patients have been reported with progressive deformity, and thus they may be hard to distinguish from patients with osteogenesis imperfecta type lll. patients with oi type lv are more likely to have fractures at birth, and to have dentinogenesis imperfecta than are patients with oi type l.

sonographic features

long bones – fractures – deformity – angulation

skull – decreased ossification

associated syndromes 


sanders rc, greyson-fleg rt, hogge wa, et al osteogenesis imperfecta and campomelic dysplasia: difficulties in prenatal diagnosis j ultrasound med 13: 691-700
bulas di, stern hj, rosenbaum kn, et al variable prenatal appearance of osteogenesis imperfecta j ultrasound med 13: 419-427
constantine g, mccormack j, mchugo j, fowlie a prenatal diagnosis of severe osteogenesis imperfecta prenat diagn 11:103-110
sillence do, barlow kk, gerber ap, et al osteogenesis imperfecta type 11: delineation of the phenotype with reference to genetic heterogeneity am j med genet; 17: 407-423
dinno nd, yacoub ua, kadlec jf, et al midtrimester diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta, type 11 birth defects 18:125-132